Arranging the basic layout of spaces within a building as well as projects that require an understanding of technical issues such as acoustics, lighting, temperature, etc.
Combining functionality, safety and way finding into a harmonious environment with aesthetically pleasing materials, color and texture through design. It’s easy to say, but exceptionally difficult to cultivate.
Our services include space planning, furniture selection, material/finish/choice, detailed and careful research work.
Taylor made, Italian handcrafts and large network of the most famous Italian brands in the world handcrafted made furniture.
Consultancy: Your helping hand service.
Preparing working drawings and schedules for the construction and/or the installation of the space;
Preparing written specifications to accompany working drawings, schedules, and furniture, fixtures, and equipment;
Providing and helping client with the preparation of bid documents;
Making periodic visits to the job site to ensure the work is being done in accordance with the contract documents and specifications.